Join the 4th Freshproject! Life in plastic, it’s fantastic: unravelling the microalgal community of plastisphere across European lentic systems
Posted by: zersoy
The call to join the PhytoPlastic project is now open!
What is required to join?
To participate, it is necessary to:
- be a Bachelor student, Master Student, PhD Student, or early Post‐Doc (PhD completion later 31st December 2019)
- be already a member/or join one of the limnological societies federated within EFFS (for a list click the link in this page)
- have enough time to perform the sampling activities (4 days for 4 sampling seasons) and any other project activity (data analysis, writing, meetings, etc)
- have access ...
PlasticØPyr Project Final Conference
Posted by: zersoy
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the final conference of the European project “PlasticØPyr” on April 21 and 22 in Setcases (Catalonia). Since October 2019, the seven promoters * of this project have devouted our efforts to achieving four results:
1. Develop tools to assess and disseminate the environmental impact of plastics on mountain ecosystems;
2. Study the effects of plastic waste on high mountain ecosystems and organisms, in particular aquatic ecosystems;
3. Design strategies to ...
Gender LIMNOEDU campaign – Meet the women in Limnology: developing teaching resources for university
Posted by: zersoy
Have you ever wondered about women limnologists and their success in a male-dominated field? We have decided to show you that limnology is full of fascinating women who have vastly contributed to our understanding of inland waters, and their achievements deserve to be known, disseminated and, of course, taught in the classroom. Our new project has taken off!
Through a series of online resources, the project Gender LIMNOEDU – Meet the women in Limnology: developing teaching resources for university, aims to increase the ...
Continue Reading →JUL
Buscamos candidata/o para la participar en la convocatoria de contratos predoctorales FPU (Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario), de cuatro años de duración. En caso de conseguir el contrato, realizaría su investigación en el marco del proyecto “Dinámica de metacomunidades de macroinvertebrados en lagunas alpinas y cambio climático (ALPINECHANGE)”, recientemente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2019-108895GB-I00). La persona a contratar se incorporará al Departamento de Zoología de la Universidad de Sevilla, pero se integrará dentro de ...
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Postdoctoral Researcher Position at University of Vic, Barcelona (Spain): Interactions between biodiversity, ecosystems functions and climate in ponds
Posted by: zersoy
The University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic – UCC) is a young and very dynamic university in Central Catalonia, with a special commitment to quality education, innovative research and internationalization. The Aquatic Ecology Group of UVic-UCC is formed by a young team of researchers and has recently been granted a Horizon 2020 grant of €6.9 million to lead the project PONDERFUL: Pond ecosystems for resilient future landscapes in a changing climate. The consortium is composed by ...
4.5 year postdoc position in Meta-Ecosystem science and pollution transfer at Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau
Posted by: zersoy
Aquatic-terrestrial interfaces under anthropogenic stress
As part of the research training group SystemLink – Crossing boundaries: Propagation of in-stream environmental alterations to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – GRK2360 the iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau, Campus Landau, Germany offers
1 postdoctoral research position (Meta-Ecosystem Science)
for 4.5 years from 01.10.2019 (gross salary approx. 46 k € p.a.; 13 TV-L 100%).
Streams are hotspots of ecological and ...
The Jefferson Project at Lake George (https://jeffersonproject.rpi.edu/) is hiring two post-docs to conduct research in freshwater ecology. Research topics include invasive species, salinization, eutrophication, algal blooms, and global warming. The post-docs will conduct basic and applied experiments across multiple venues including the lab, land-based mesocosms, and in-lake mesocosms. They will also analyze high-frequency data from our highly advanced network of weather, stream, and lake sensors.
The Jefferson Project is an unprecedented research endeavor devised to study stream, wetland, and lake ecosystems ...
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POSTDOC position in R&D – Researcher in the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry
Posted by: zersoy
Basic Description of the Laboratory Activities
The laboratory engages in both basic and applied research, university education and commercial activities in the field of aquatic toxicology, biochemistry and environmental chemistry. Our research is focused on fate and effects of extraneous substances, esp. pharmaceuticals, personal care products and pesticides, in
aquatic environment. The laboratory activity is focused on occurrence of xenobiotic substances in water ecosystems and investigation of their impact on exposed organisms. Laboratory scale toxicological studies belong to important part of experimental activities as well as field sampling of water and fish. Experiments are mainly focused on ...
Post-doctoral position on long-term data analyses of ECO-EVO-DEVO dynamics in threespine stickleback of lake Mývatn, Iceland
Posted by: zersoy
Hólar University, Iceland, seeks a Post-doctoral fellow for a Grant of Excellence (RANNIS) project to study the dynamics of Ecological (ECO), Evolutionary (EVO) and Developmental (DEVO) processes
The phenotype is an important determinant of the dynamic interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes. We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral candidate to study the interplay among ECO, EVO and DEVO including 1) the dual role of ecology in evolution (as driver of natural selection and phenotypic plasticity), 2) the ...