Author Archive

SEFS 9: 5 to 10 July 2015 Geneva Switzerland

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The SEFS 9 will take place in Geneva (Switzerland) from the 5 to the 10 of July of 2015…SAVE THE DATE!

SEFS9 Save the date

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CANADIAN RIVERS INSTITUTE – Seeking 18 graduate students and PDF’s for a large aquatic ecosystem study

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We are seeking to fill 18 graduate student / PDF positions as outlined below. Please distribute widely among your colleagues and inform potentially interested candidates.

Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study

By 2017, NB Power will make a multi-billion dollar decision to rebuild or remove the Mactaquac Dam (MD) on the Saint John River (SJR), near Fredericton, NB, Canada. The Canadian Rivers Institute has been charged with providing the environmental science to support NB Power’s decision. The Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study (MAES) is a ...

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The Bioengineering School of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium, announces the opening of a full-time academic position for a specialist in ecological modelling of aquatic ecosystems, starting October 1st, 2014.

Dead line for application is March 15th, 2014.
The detailed job description and expectations are included in the joined document.Position description

For more information visit:

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8th International Shallow Lakes Conference will be held from October 12 – 17, 2014AntalyaTurkey. Its purpose is to provide a stimulating scientific environment for communicating the advances in the ecology of shallow lakes. This will be a forum to revise and discuss new results, foster the exchange of ideas, and synthesize current knowledge to facilitate new research collaborations. Scientific topics include;

• Food webs along gradients in latitude, longitude and altitude
• Interspecific interactions
• Structures, function and metabolism of polar, temperate, subtropical, tropical ...

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Training Courses on Taxonomy of Freshwater Taxa

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DESTThe Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST), originally funded by the EC in the framework of the EDIT project, provides two types of training courses at various European research facilities and universities. The programme is open to participants from Europe and from outside of Europe.

The Modern Taxonomy programme 2013-2014 offers intensive theoretical courses in subjects as varied as nomenclature and DNA-barcoding. The Expert-in-training programme 2013-2014 enables graduate students and early career researchers ...

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EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences – Call 2013-2014

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EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences
Call 2013–2014

1. The European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS) launches a new call of the EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences, which will recognize outstanding scientific and intellectual work in the field of Freshwater Sciences performed by Early Career Researchers in Europe.

2. Applicants for this Award will include all authors of doctoral theses submitted in
Europe in the field of Freshwater Sciences. Applicants should be members ...

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From the SEATC salinisation AG we are organising a workshop with scientists, managers, environmental consultancies and representatives from the mining industry. We would be happy to have young EFYRs joining us, and we can cover for accommodation expenses. Please contact me for further information:


Workshop flyer

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15th World Lake Conference, Perugia, Italy – September 1-5, 2014

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Lakes, both natural and artificial, are vital and strategic resources for all life on our planet. At the same time, they are also highly vulnerable to human activities, especially if not properly managed for their sustainable use. These critical natural resources and their ecosystems have defined geographical borders, while at the same time also being strongly influenced by their locations. In fact, although there is a geographical limit between a lake ecosystem and neighboring ecosystems, lakes are ...

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New Jobs and grants (September, 2013)

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PhD studentships available
Below are links to two funded PhD studentships within the School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences, Edinburgh Napier University. Closing date is 21st October. Please distribute to any potentially interested parties.

Aquatic non-native species: a closer look at their parasite fauna

Effects of underwater sound on aquatic invertebrates


Gilson Le Cren Memorial Award 2014: £4000 grant for research from the FBA

the Hugh Cary Gilson Memorial ...

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MS or PhD Research Assistantship in Desert Stream Ecology School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences University of Washington

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Responsibilities:  The Freshwater Ecology and Conservation Lab at the
University of Washington is looking for a highly motivated MS or PhD student
to explore the freshwater ecology of streams in the American Southwest.
Potential themes of study include (but are not limited to) ecohydrology,
invasive species, riverscape connectivity, fish species dispersal, and
community reassembly in response to extreme flooding and drought. Strong
possibility of working in other arid regions of the world exists. The
successful applicant will be advised by ...

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