
4.5 year postdoc position in Meta-Ecosystem science and pollution transfer at Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau

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Aquatic-terrestrial interfaces under anthropogenic stress

As part of the research training group SystemLink – Crossing boundaries: Propagation of in-stream environmental alterations to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – GRK2360 the iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau, Campus Landau, Germany offers

1 postdoctoral research position (Meta-Ecosystem Science)

for 4.5 years from 01.10.2019 (gross salary approx. 46 k € p.a.; 13 TV-L 100%).

Streams are hotspots of ecological and ...

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Two post-docs in Freshwater Ecology (Jefferson Project, NY, USA)

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The Jefferson Project at Lake George ( is hiring two post-docs to conduct research in freshwater ecology. Research topics include invasive species, salinization, eutrophication, algal blooms, and global warming. The post-docs will conduct basic and applied experiments across multiple venues including the lab, land-based mesocosms, and in-lake mesocosms. They will also analyze high-frequency data from our highly advanced network of weather, stream, and lake sensors.

The Jefferson Project is an unprecedented research endeavor devised to study stream, wetland, and lake ecosystems ...

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POSTDOC position in R&D – Researcher in the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Basic Description of the Laboratory Activities

The laboratory engages in both basic and applied research, university education and commercial activities in the field of aquatic toxicology, biochemistry and environmental chemistry. Our research is focused on fate and effects of extraneous substances, esp. pharmaceuticals, personal care products and pesticides, in
aquatic environment. The laboratory activity is focused on occurrence of xenobiotic substances in water ecosystems and investigation of their impact on exposed organisms. Laboratory scale toxicological studies belong to important part of experimental activities as well as field sampling of water and fish. Experiments are mainly focused on ...

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Post-doctoral position on long-term data analyses of ECO-EVO-DEVO dynamics in threespine stickleback of lake Mývatn, Iceland

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Hólar University, Iceland, seeks a Post-doctoral fellow for a Grant of Excellence (RANNIS) project to study the dynamics of Ecological (ECO), Evolutionary (EVO) and Developmental (DEVO) processes

The phenotype is an important determinant of the dynamic interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes. We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral candidate to study the interplay among ECO, EVO and DEVO including 1) the dual role of ecology in evolution (as driver of natural selection and phenotypic plasticity), 2) the ...

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Two PhD positions on ECO-EVO-DEVO dynamics in threespine stickleback of lake Mývatn, Iceland

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Hólar University, Iceland, seeks two PhD students for a Grant of Excellence (RANNIS) project to study the dynamics of Ecological (ECO), Evolutionary (EVO) and Developmental (DEVO) processes

The phenotype is an important determinant of the dynamic interactions between ecological and evolutionary processes (eco-evolutionary dynamics) and the processes that shape biological diversity in face of global change. This project will study the interplay among ECO, EVO and DEVO to understand 1) the dual role of ecology in evolution (as driver ...

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12 PhD student positions at University Koblenz–Landau

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Aquatic-terrestrial interfaces under anthropogenic stress

As part of the research training group SystemLink – Crossing boundaries: Propagation of in-stream environmental alterations to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – GRK2360 the iES Landau, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Koblenz–Landau, Campus Landau, Germany offers

12 doctoral research positions (PhD students) for 3 years from 1 October 2019 (gross salary approx. 30 k € p.a.; 13 TV-L 65%). 

Streams are hotspots of ecological and biogeochemical processes, but are strongly ...

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Two PhD positions available at Queen’s University, Canada

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Disturbances have the potential to profoundly alter system dynamics, by changing species diversity, structure and function, and by generating significant spatial and temporal heterogeneity in aquatic habitats. However, the variability of ecosystem structure and function is seldom explicitly considered as a response variable and can reveal underlying mechanisms associated with ecological change. These projects will explore this disturbance-variance relationship to examine aquatic ecosystem response across multiple temporal and spatial scales using both high-frequency and long-term monitoring data: 1) ...

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Aquatic Ecology – Diversity Post-Doctoral Fellowship at University of San Diego

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The Biology Department at the University of San Diego seeks a recent Ph.D. who has a proven record and commitment to empowering students from communities that are underrepresented in academia through research, creative activity, teaching, service and/or mentoring. We are especially interested in advancing the perspectives of African Americans, American Indian/Alaskan Natives, Filipinas/os/x, Chicanas/os/x, Latinas/os/x and /or Pacific Islanders.

Specifically, we seek to sponsor a postdoctoral fellow with an interest in aquatic ecology and/or quantitative biology. In addition to conducting collaborative ...

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Master and Doctorate positions in Ecology at the UFRN in Natal, Brazil

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Location: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasil.

Project: Linking metapopulation processes and metacommunity stability, investigating how spatial grain and extent, environmental heterogeneity and species traits determine stability across spatial scales (i.e., alpha, beta, gama stability).

Registration is open until 15/11/2018.

Selection process

- written examination (about general topics in Ecology, including fundamental concepts of population, community and ecosystem ecology)

- interview

- project defense

For more information please contact: 

Prof. Dr. Andros T. Gianuca

Professor of Ecology @ UFRN – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, ...

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Open Call for Transnational Access to European Aquatic Mesocosm Facilities in 2019

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The EU Research Infrastructure project AQUACOSM ( has opened the Call for Transnational Access to fund participation or leadership of mesocosm experiments in 2019. We open for access to more than 37 aquatic mesocosm facilities, located at 19 AQUACOSM partners throughout Europe. In total AQUACOSM will offer more than 11500 person-days of Transnational Access (TA) between Jan 2018 and Dec 2020. This call opens for >3800 person days.

AQUACOSM offers funding for mesocosm experiments through a unique collaborative international project, representing ...

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