We are happy to announce you that the new EFYR board of representatives will be formed by Nuria Cid (Joint Research Center); Hugh Feeley (Cardiff University) and Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles (Oregon State University). We will do our best to bring all the EFYR matters to the attention of EFFS senior representatives and keep EFYR active as an important part of the EFFS. Feel free to contact us anytime, we are here to help young European scientists!
From 2006 to 2010, I did my PhD at the Aquatic Ecosystems unit of the Institute of Research & Technology, Food & Agriculture (IRTA) together with with the Freshwater Ecology and Management (F.E.M) group from the Department of Ecology of the University of Barcelona (UB). The main topic was on the bioassessment of the main human pressures received by large rivers, such as pollution, hydrological alterations and the introduction of alien species. I dedicated a great part of my research to the ecological risk assessment of sediment-associated contaminants in the Ebro River, analyzing the effects on single species, populations and communities of aquatic invertebrates. Afterwards, I worked in the FP7 project MIRAGE focused on the management of Mediterranean temporary streams. Currently, I am a PostDoc at the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), Water Resources Unit at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission. I am working on the BioFresh project, collaborating in the identification of important sites for freshwater biodiversity and its prioritization at the EU scale and supporting the science policy interface of the project. I am also working on the Refresh project, investigating the impacts of climate change for thresholds, boundary setting and ability to achieve reference conditions in European lakes.
Contact: nuria.cid@jrc.ec.europa.eu
My experience began B.Sc. in Environmental Biology (completed 2007) at University College Dublin (Ireland). In 2008, I started my Ph.D. with the Freshwater Biodiversity, Ecology and Fisheries Research Group in the UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science at University College Dublin. This study focused on the impact of mature plantation forests on the ecology and hydrochemistry of headwater streams throughout Ireland and was completed in July 2012. My time in UCD also incorporated many other aspects of biology, environmental and freshwater sciences, including work on fish, macrophytes and hyperheic invertebrates across a range of ecological settings throughout Ireland. Currently I am working on the DURESS project investigating the role of invertebrates in river ecosystem services sustainability in upland Wales based out of the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University (UK). My other primary interests include the ecology of biological systems and their response to global environmental change.
Contact: feeleyhb@cardiff.ac.uk
I am an aquatic ecologist, interested in the response of aquatic ecosystems (from lagoons to rivers and high mountain lakes) to disturbance and how aquatic macroinvertebrate communities are connected through the landscape. I started my research as a PhD candidate at the University of Barcelona, focusing on the ecology of coastal lagoons. Then as a post-doc I did some research on integrated coastal management. During my career I have been very interested in the alteration of water fluxes in coastal lagoons and the role of salinity as a structuring force. During 2011, while contracted as a researcher at the University of Barcelona, I brought these ideas to freshwater ecosystems arena, establishing my own scientific network dealing with the salinisation of aquatic ecosystems. The establishment of the network (including researches from different parts of Europe, Australia and USA) led to several experiments and workshops. Recently, I took the network one step further by consolidating a SETAC advisory group that I will co-chair. At present I am a postdoc researcher at Oregon State University, where I am studying meta-community patterns of aquatic insects in temporal streams of the Arizona desert.
Web: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miguel_Canedo-Argueelles/
Contact: mcanedo.fem@gmail.com